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Longueuil (City) v Lambert-Picotte   flag 

[1991] 2 SCR 401
27th June, 1991

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1991] Docket 21151 [1991] Docket 21151 United States - Pennsylvania circa 1991 flag 1
Court of Appeal (1988) 30 QAC 168; 40 LCR 182 Canada - Quebec circa 1988 flag 1
Svatek v Abony [1986] RDI 605 Canada - Quebec circa 1986 flag 1
Cemp Investments Ltd v Lakeshore School Board [1985] CA 584 circa 1985 1
Soci é t é d'am é nagement de l'Outaouais v Dumouchel [1984] CA 571 circa 1984 1
Travelers Insurance Co of Canada v Corriveau [1982] 2 SCR 866 circa 1982 4
(1980) 10 Rdus 629 (1980) 10 RDUS 629 Canada circa 1980 LexisNexis flag 1
Lemieux v Ville de Granby [1980] RP 285 Canada - Quebec circa 1980 flag 1
Restaurants et Motels Ch â telaine International Lt é e v Procureur g é n é ral du Qu é bec [1980] CA 511 circa 1980 1
Labb é v Ministre des Transports du Qu é bec [1980] CA 518 circa 1980 1
Sylvestre v Procureur g é n é ral du Qu é bec [1980] CA 508 circa 1980 1
Corporation municipale de la ville de St-Georges Ouest v Comact Inc [1980] CA 521 circa 1980 1
Ville de Montr é al v Lerner [1979] CA 152 circa 1979 1
Club athl é tique Champlain Lt é e v Ministre de la Voirie du Qu é bec [1979] CA 161 circa 1979 1
Louis Donolo Inc v Ville de Laval [1979] RP 17 Canada - Quebec circa 1979 flag 1
Sosiak v Marto Construction Inc [1976] CA 286 circa 1976 1
Yves Germain Inc v Ministre de la Voirie du Qu é bec [1974] CA 184 circa 1974 1
(1973) 5 LCR 91 (1973) 5 LCR 91 Canada - Quebec circa 1973 flag 1
Disposal Services Ltd v Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto (1973) 4 LCR 242 Canada - Quebec circa 1973 flag 1
Gingras v Gagnon [1972] CA 306 circa 1972 2
City of Ste-Foy v Soci é t é Immobili è re Enic Inc [1967] SCR 121 circa 1967 4
Bellerose v Duplessis [1958] SCR 261 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 1 Apr 1958 Supreme Court of Canada flag 1
Bellerose v Talbot [1957] Que KB 637 Canada - Quebec circa 1957 flag 3
Isabelle v Procureur g é n é ral du Qu é bec [1953] Que KB 747 Canada - Quebec circa 1953 flag 1
Hillingdon Estates Co v Stonefield Estates Ltd [1952] Ch 627; [1952] 1 All ER 853 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1952 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 12
Amusement Realty Corporation v Minister of Roads of Quebec [1949] Que KB 562 Canada - Quebec circa 1949 flag 1
Robitaille v Cit é de Qu é bec [1948] Que KB 787 Canada - Quebec circa 1948 flag 1
British and Beningtons Ltd v North Western Cachar Tea Co Ltd [1923] AC 48; [1922] All ER 224 United Kingdom circa 1923 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 137
MacKiw v Rutherford [1921] 2 WWR 329 Canada circa 1921 flag 1
Anjou (Town) v Krum 38 QAC 1; (1990) 44 LCR 266 Canada - Quebec circa 1980 flag 1

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