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"The Poisoned Tree: Inadmissible Confessions, Subsequent Facts and Reliability"   flag 

(1991) 4 (3) Canterbury Law Review 356
Black, John
Canterbury Law Review
New Zealand

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
R v Butcher [1991] NZCA 135; [1992] 2 NZLR 257; (1990-92) 1 NZBORR 59; (1991) 7 CRNZ 407 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 25 Oct 1991 NZLII flag 82
"Should Confessions be Corroborated?" (1991) 107 Law Quarterly Review 317 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1991 Westlaw flag 3
R v Evans (1991) 63 CCC (3d) 289 Canada circa 1991 flag 2
(1991) 7 CRNZ 427 (1991) 7 CRNZ 427 New Zealand circa 1991 flag 10
(1991) 7 CRNZ 406 (1991) 7 CRNZ 406 New Zealand circa 1991 flag 1
R v Dally [1990] NZHC 145; [1990] 2 NZLR 184; (1990) 5 CRNZ 687 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 6 Mar 1990 NZLII flag 28
R v Tihi (Ca111/89, Ca108/89) [1990] NZCA 343; [1990] 1 NZLR 540; (1990) 5 CRNZ 472 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 5 Mar 1990 NZLII flag 18
Wilson J; R v Greig (1990) 54 CCC 84 Canada circa 1990 flag 1
R v Greig (1990) 54 CCC (3d) 84 Canada circa 1990 flag 1
R v Brydges (1990) 53 CCC (3d) 330 Canada circa 1990 flag 4
(1990) 14 Criminal Law Journal 113 (1990) 14 Criminal Law Journal 113 Criminal Law Journal Australia circa 1990 Legal Online flag 1
Black v R (1989) 50 CCC (3d) 1 Canada circa 1989 flag 3
R v Ross (1989) 46 CCC (3d) 129; 67 CR (3d) 219 Canada circa 1989 flag 1
R v Duguay (1989) 46 CCC (3d) 1 Canada circa 1989 flag 1
(1989) 19 Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review 421 (1989) 19 Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review 421 Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review New Zealand circa 1989 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
R v Debot [1989] 2 SCR 1140; (1989) 52 CCC (3d) 193; (1989) 45 CRR 49 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 7 Dec 1989 Supreme Court of Canada flag 17
R v Hapeta HC Auckland T104/88 [1988] NZHC 1981; (1988) 3 CRNZ 570 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 1 Aug 1988 NZLII flag 3
R v Strachan (1988) 46 CCC (3d) 479 Canada circa 1988 flag 2
R v Woolley (1988) 40 CCC (3d) 531 Canada circa 1988 flag 4
"Returning to Wray: Some Recent Cases on Section 24 of the Charter" (1988) 26 Alberta Law Review 604 Alberta Law Review Canada circa 1988 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Collins v R (1987) 33 CCC (3d) 1 Canada circa 1987 flag 7
Oregon v Elstad 470 US 298; 84 L Ed 2d 222; 105 SCt 1285 United States Supreme Court United States 4 Mar 1985 WorldLII flag 299
R v Postlewaight (1985) 1 CRNZ 468 New Zealand circa 1985 flag 2
Nix v Williams 467 US 431; 81 L Ed 2d 377; 104 SCt 2501 United States Supreme Court United States 11 Jun 1984 WorldLII flag 332
R v Altseimer (1982) 1 CCC (3d) 7 Canada circa 1982 flag 2
R v Grifln (1981) 59 CCC (2d) 503 Canada circa 1981 flag 1
Ichhu Devi Choraria v Union of India [1980] INSC 175; [1981] 1 SCR 640; (1980) 4 SCC 531; AIR 1980 SC 1983 Supreme Court of India India 9 Sep 1980 LIIofIndia flag 53
R v Coons (1980) 51 CCC (2d) 388 Canada circa 1980 flag 1
Bunning v Cross [1978] HCA 22; (1978) 141 CLR 54; (1978) 19 ALR 641; 52 ALJR 561; 52 ALJR 560 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Jun 1978 AustLII flag 1045
R v John (1971) 15 DLR (3d) 692 Canada circa 1971 flag 1
R v Ireland [1970] HCA 21; (1970) 126 CLR 321; [1970] ALR 727; (1970) 44 ALJR 263 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Jul 1970 AustLII flag 644
R v Wray (1970) 4 CCC 1; (1970) 11 DLR (3d) 673; [1971] SCR 272; 11 CRNS 235 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 26 Jun 1970 Supreme Court of Canada flag 30
Miranda v Arizona 384 US 436; 10 ALR 3d 974; 16 L Ed 694; 16 L Ed 2; 86 SCt 1826; 10 Ohio Misc 9; 16 L Ed 2d 694; 86 SCt 1602; 427 PA 486 United States Supreme Court United States 10 Oct 1966 WorldLII flag 4466
"Confirmation by Subsequent Facts" (1956) 72 Law Quarterly Review 209 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1956 Westlaw flag 6
Lisenba v California 314 US 219; 86 L Ed 166; 62 SCt 280 United States Supreme Court United States 2 Feb 1942 WorldLII flag 323
R v Doyle (1886) 12 OR 347 Canada circa 1886 flag 2
R v McCaffeq (1885) 25 NBR 396 United States circa 1885 flag 2
R v Berriman (1854) 6 Cox CC 388 United Kingdom circa 1854 flag 12
R v Edmund Garbett [1847] EngR 511; 2 Car & Kir 474; 175 ER 196; 1 Den CC 236 United Kingdom circa 1847 CommonLII flag 22
Slatterie v Pooley [1840] EngR 227; 6 M & W 664; 151 ER 579 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1840 CommonLII flag 74
R v Gould (1840) 9 C & P 364 circa 1840 12
Rex v Richard Grissin [1809] EngR 19; 168 ER 732; [1809] Russ & Ry 151 United Kingdom circa 1809 CommonLII flag 4
R v Warickshall [1783] EngR 60; (1783) 1 Leach 263; 168 ER 234 United Kingdom circa 1783 CommonLII flag 61
R v Mosey (1783) 1 Leach 265 United Kingdom circa 1783 flag 2
Wong Sun v US 371 US 471 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1983 Westlaw flag 1518
People v Ditson and Cisneros 57 Cal2d 415; 369 P2d 714; 20 Cal Rptr 165 United States - California circa 1983 flag 4
11 New Zealand Law Journal 398 11 New Zealand Law Journal 398 New Zealand Law Journal New Zealand circa 1983 flag 1
R v St Lawrence 7 CR 464; [1949] OR 215; (1949) 93 CCC 376 Canada circa 1949 flag 5
3 NZLR 463 3 NZLR 463 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 5
3 NZLR 419 3 NZLR 419 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 4
3 NZLR 395 3 NZLR 395 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 1
2 WLR 1082 2 WLR 1082 United Kingdom circa 1983 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
2 SCR 574; (1975) 48 DLR (3d) 427 2 SCR 574; (1975) 48 DLR (3d) 427 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 1975 flag 3
2 NZLR 184 2 NZLR 184 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 7
2 NZLR 129 2 NZLR 129 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 57
2 KB 381 2 KB 381 United Kingdom circa 1983 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
1 NZLR 738 1 NZLR 738 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 4
1 NZLR 502 1 NZLR 502 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 4
1 NZLR 488 1 NZLR 488 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 4
1 NZLR 316 1 NZLR 316 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 10
1 NZLR 116 1 NZLR 116 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 18
1 NZLR 13 1 NZLR 13 New Zealand LexisNexis flag 10
1 CCC (2d) 388 1 CCC (2d) 388 Canada circa 1983 flag 1
Turner J; R v Prager I19721 1 All ER 1114 United Kingdom circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 3
1 AC 304 1 AC 304 United Kingdom circa 1983 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 6

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