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State Public Services Federation and Roads Corporation of Victoria   flag 

[1991] CthArbRp 343; (1991) 4 CAR 361
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
19th April, 1991

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Industrial Relations Act 1988 (Cth) s99
Transport Administration Act, 1988 (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Re Ludeke; Ex Parte Queensland Electricity Commission [1985] HCA 55; (1985) 159 CLR 178; 60 ALR 641; 59 ALJR 694; (1985) 11 IR 368 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Sep 1985 AustLII flag 207
Royal Australian Nursing Federation and The Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Association of Australia [1985] CthArbRp 215; (1985) 297 CAR 337 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 17 May 1985 AustLII flag 17
R v Cohen; Ex parte Attorney-General (Q) [1981] HCA 66; 157 CLR 331; 38 ALR 129; 56 ALJR 51 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Dec 1981 AustLII flag 152
R v Portus; Ex parte City of Perth [1973] HCA 64; (1973) 129 CLR 312; (1973) 2 ALR 217; (1973) 34 LGRA 62 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Dec 1973 AustLII flag 64
R v Gough; Ex parte Cairns Meat Export Co Pty Ltd [1962] HCA 56; (1962) 108 CLR 343; 36 ALJR 249 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Nov 1962 AustLII flag 30

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