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[1991] HKCA 300 (18 December 1991)   flag 

[1991] HKCA 300
Hong Kong Court of Appeal
Hong Kong
18th December, 1991

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1991] 1 HKLR 251 [1991] 1 HKLR 251; [1990] 2 HKC 28 Hong Kong circa 1991 Westlaw flag 3
[1990] 1 HKLR 330 [1990] 1 HKLR 330 Hong Kong circa 1990 Westlaw flag 1
Improver Corporation v Remington Consumer Products Ltd [1990] FSR 181 United Kingdom circa 1990 flag 103
[1957] RPC 90 [1957] RPC 90 circa 1957 2
Badische Anilin Und Soda Fabrik v Levinstein [1885] UKLawRpCh 143; 29 Ch D 366 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 14 May 1885 CommonLII flag 3

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