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SOFIA FERNANDO, in her behalf and as the legal guardian of her minor children, namely: ALBERTO and ROBERTO, all surnamed FERNANDO, ANITA GARCIA, NICOLAS LIAGOSO, ROSALIA BERTULANO, in her behalf and as the legal guardian of her minor children, namely: EDUARDO, ROLANDO, DANIEL, AND JOCELYN, all surnamed BERTULANO, PRIMITIVA FAJARDO in her behalf and as legal guardian of her minor children, namely: GILBERT, GLEN, JOCELYN AND JOSELITO, all surnamed FAJARDO, and EMETERIA LIAGOSO, in her behalf and as guardian ad litem , of her minor grandchildren, namely: NOEL, WILLIAM, GENEVIEVE and GERRY, all surnamed LIAGOSO v THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS AND CITY OF DAVAO   flag 

[1992] PHSC 300
Supreme Court of the Philippines
8th May, 1992

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Corliss v Manila Railroad Co 27 SCRA 674 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 21
People v de la Fuente 126 SCRA 518 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 21
Picart v Smith 37 Phil 809 Philippines flag 38
Vda de Bataclan v Medina 102 Phil 181 Philippines flag 23
Taylor vs Manila Electric 16 Phil 8 Philippines flag 12
Elective Co v Phil Motors 55 Phil 129 Philippines flag 5

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