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Luisa Lyon Nu Ñ AL, herein represented by Albert Nu Ñ AL, and Anita Nu Ñ AL Hormigos v the Court of Appeals and Emma Lyon De Leon in her behalf and as guardian ad litem of the minors Helen Sabarre and Kenny Sabarre, Eduardo Guzman, Mercedes Lyon Taupan, Wilfredo Guzman, Mally Lyon Encarnacion and Dora Lyon Delas Pe Ñ As   flag 

[1993] PHSC 285
Supreme Court of the Philippines
6th April, 1993

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Manning International Corporation v NLRC 195 SCRA 155 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 16
192 SCRA 388 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 9
Marcopper Mining Corporation v Briones 165 SCRA 464 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 13

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