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Goodwin v Attorney General - Judgment 3   flag 

[1994] CKCA 6
Court of Appeal of the Cook Islands
Cook Islands
10th March, 1994

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Joyner v Mofford (1983) 706 F 2 circa 1983 2
9 Act 1980 9 Act 1980 United Kingdom circa 1980 flag 5
9 Act 1980-81 9 Act 1980-81 United Kingdom circa 1980 flag 15
2 Act 1979 2 Act 1979 United Kingdom circa 1979 flag 13
539 FSupp 1120 539 FSupp 1120 United States circa 1983 Westlaw flag 3

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