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Industrial Relations Commission Decision 1022/1995   flag 

[1995] AIRC 822
Australian Industrial Relations Commission
10th May, 1995

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Industrial Relations Act 1988 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia v Federation of Industrial, Manufacturing and Engineering Employees (No 1) (1992) 44 IR 158 circa 1992 2
Viro v R [1978] HCA 9; (1978) 141 CLR 88; (1978) 18 ALR 257; (1978) 52 ALJR 418 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1978 AustLII flag 315
46 Ir 66 46 IR 66 circa 1992 3
46 Ir 61 46 IR 61 circa 1992 4
46 Ir 55 46 IR 55 circa 1992 5
41 Ir 184 41 IR 184 circa 1992 16
40 Ir 407 40 IR 407 circa 1992 8

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