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Indramani Pradhan v Jagabandhu Pradhan - SA   flag 

[1995] INORHC 446
High Court of Orissa
India - Orissa
31st July, 1995

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1928 PC 208 AIR 1928 PC 208 Privy Council India circa 1928 flag 11
Air 1995 SC 945 AIR 1995 SC 945 Supreme Court of India India circa 1995 flag 10
R C Chandiok & Anr v Chuni Lal Sabharwal [1970] INSC 209; [1971] 2 SCR 573; AIR 1971 SC 1238; (1970) 3 SCC 140 Supreme Court of India India 12 Oct 1970 LIIofIndia flag 42
Gomathinayagam Pillai v Pallaniswami Nadar [1966] INSC 152; 1967 1 SCR 227; AIR 1967 SC 868 Supreme Court of India India 2 Sep 1966 LIIofIndia flag 15
[1963] Ar 54 [1963] AR 54 circa 1963 1
[1963] Se 16 [1963] SE 16 United States circa 1963 flag 2
Air 1975 Ap 350 AIR 1975 AP 350 India - Andhra Pradesh circa 1975 flag 1
Air 1983 Ori 107 AIR 1983 Ori 107 India - Orissa circa 1983 flag 1
Air 1957 Bom 241 AIR 1957 Bom 241 India - Maharashtra circa 1957 flag 3
Air 1985 Bom 128 AIR 1985 Bom 128 India - Maharashtra circa 1985 flag 1

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