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Baugh v George Weston Foods Ltd t/as Weston Milling   flag 

[1997] NSWSC 80
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
13th March, 1997

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Cheques and Payment Orders Act (Cth) s10
Workers Compensation Act (NSW) s151A
Supreme Court Rules (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Webster v Lampard [1993] HCA 57; (1993) 177 CLR 598; (1993) 116 ALR 545; (1993) 67 ALJR 886; [1993] Aust Torts Reports 62,435 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Oct 1993 AustLII flag 938
Hoover (Australia) Pty Ltd v Combatti (1989) 18 NSWLR 235 Australia - New South Wales circa 1989 LexisNexis AU flag 3
White v Elmdene Estates Ltd (1959) 2 All ER 605 United Kingdom circa 1959 LexisNexis flag 12
, Rhokana Corporation Ltd v IRC [1938] AC 380 United Kingdom circa 1938 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 5
Thairlwall v the Great Northern Railway Co [1910] UKLawRpKQB 112; [1910] 2 KB 509 United Kingdom 22 Jun 1910 CommonLII flag 14

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