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Maria Apiag, Teresita Cantero Securom and Glicerio Cantero v Judge Esmeraldo G Cantero   flag 

[1997] PHSC 129
Supreme Court of the Philippines
12th February, 1997

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
276 American Judicature Society 1975 276 American Judicature Society 1975 American Judicature Society United States circa 1975 HeinOnline flag 2
243 Scra 32-33 243 SCRA 32-33 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1975 flag 2
79 Scra 51 79 SCRA 51 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1975 flag 5
Abadilla v Tabiliran, Jr 249 SCRA 447; 319 Phil 572 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 27
Alfonso v Juanson 228 SCRA 239 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 20
Amosco v Magro 73 SCRA 107 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 39
157 Scra 277 157 SCRA 277 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 7
Buenaventura v Benedicto 38 SCRA 71 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 19
Salcedo v Inting 91 SCRA 19 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 6
Weigel v Sempio-Dy 143 SCRA 499 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 18
Jugueta v Boncaros 60 SCRA 27 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 28
Odayat v Amante 77 SCRA 338 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
Lacson v Roque 92 Phil 456 Philippines flag 42
In re Impeachment of Horilleno 43 Phil 212 Philippines flag 61

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