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Allan George Shaw v Carlisle Nursing Home Pty Ltd - 148/98 P Print P8770   flag 

[1998] AIRC 162
Australian Industrial Relations Commission
12th February, 1998

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Schaale v Hoechst Australia Ltd (1993) 47 IR 249 circa 1993 46
[1992] Fed 335 [1992] FED 335 circa 1992 1
Wheeler v Philip Morris Ltd [1989] FCA 230; (1989) 97 ALR 282 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Jun 1989 AustLII flag 70
Gregory v Phillip Morris Ltd (1988) 24 IR 397 circa 1988 46
Wheeler v Phillip Morris Ltd (1988) 32 IR 323 circa 1988 10
British Home Stores Ltd v Burchell [1978] UKEAT 108_78_2007 Employment Appeals Tribunal United Kingdom 20 Jul 1978 BAILII flag 402

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