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Saksouk Texile Center v Cooper   flag 

[1998] LRSC 16; 39 LLR 3
Supreme Court of Liberia
5th August, 1998

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Sherman and Sherman v Clarke [1966] LRSC 47; 17 LLR 419 Supreme Court of Liberia Liberia 30 Jun 1966 LiberLII flag 4
Doe v Tarplah and Wonkar [1963] LRSC 39; 15 LLR 410 Supreme Court of Liberia Liberia 9 May 1963 LiberLII flag 4
Management of the Liberia Telecommunications Corporation v Tyler 38 LLR 328 Liberia flag 2

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