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Estrella Palmares v Court of Appeals and MB Lending Corporation   flag 

[1998] PHSC 226
Supreme Court of the Philippines
31st March, 1998

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1988) 167 Scra 838 (1988) 167 SCRA 838 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1988 flag 2
Abella v CA 257 SCRA 482 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 24
CA and Ysmael C Ferrer 249 SCRA 206 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
Christenson v Diversified Builders Incorporated 331 F2d 992 United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit United States 15 Jun 1964 WorldLII flag 11
Depot Realty Syndicate v Enterprise Brewing Co 171 P 223 3
Inciong, Jr v Court of Appeals 257 SCRA 578 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 20
John Smith v The United States 30 US 292; 8 L Ed 130; 5 Pet 292 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Jan 1831 WorldLII flag 6
Lincoln County v Universal Surety Co 135 NW2d 232; 178 Neb 746 United States - Nebraska flag 4
Manry v Waxelbaum Co 33 SE 701; 108 Ga 14 United States flag 4
Philippine Airlines, Inc v Court of Appeals 255 SCRA 48 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 14
RS Peele & Co 36 NE 455 United States flag 2
See, Howell v Commissioner of Internal Revenue 69 F2d 447 United States Westlaw flag 8
Standard Accident Insurance Co v Standard Oil Co 133 So2d 539 United States flag 3
State ex rel Frohmiller 157 P2d 698 United States flag 1
W T Rawleigh Co v Overstreet 32 SE2d 574; 71 Ga App 873 United States flag 3
26 Ne 75 26 NE 75 United States flag 2
34 f 104 34 F 104 2
39 P 20 39 P 20 1
53 Se 430 53 SE 430 United States flag 2
64 Se2d 218 64 SE2d 218 United States flag 2
92 So 643 92 So 643 United States flag 1
114 P 292 114 P 292 1
122 ALR 200 122 ALR 200 Australia LexisNexis AU flag 1
125 NW 888 125 NW 888 United States flag 2
179 Ne 504 179 NE 504 United States flag 1

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