Koropoulos v Credit Bureau Inc
734 F2d 37; 236 USApp DC 136; 81 ALRFed 187
United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit
United States
4 May 1984
Dalton v Capital Associated Indus , Inc
257 F3d 409
United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
United States
16 Jul 2001
Hammack v Baroid Corporation
142 F3d 266
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
United States
9 Jun 1998
Monumental Life Insurance Co v Hayes-Jenkins B
403 F3d 304
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
United States
9 Mar 2005
Slaughter-Cooper v Kelsey Seybold Medical Group Pa
379 F3d 285
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
United States
25 Aug 2004
WHSCOTT CONSTRUCTION Co, INC Plaintiff-Appellee, v CITY OF JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI; HARVEY JOHNSON, In his official capacity as Mayor of the city of Jackson, MS; LOUIS E ARMSTRONG, In his official capacity as a present member of the Jackson City Council; MARGARET BARRETT, In her official capacity as a present member of the Jackson City Council; CHIP RENO, In his official capacity as a present member of the Jackson City Council; KENNETH STOKES, In his official capacity as a present member of the Jackson City Council; WILLIAM BROWN, In his official capacity as a member of the Jackson City Council; ROBERT WILLIAMS, In his official capacity as a present member of the Jackson City Council; BEN ALLEN, In his official capacity as a present member of the Jackson City Council, Defendants-Appellants
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
United States
24 Jan 2000