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Gregory R Hutchinson v Cable Sands (WA) Pty Ltd   flag 

[1998] WAIRComm 206
Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission
Australia - Western Australia
12th October, 1998

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth)
Workplace Agreements Act 1993 (WA) s18

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Eastham v Newcastle United Football Club Ltd [1964] Ch 413 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1964 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 59
Byrne and Australian Airlines Ltd 61 IR 32 circa 1964 40
Veloudos v Young [1981] FCA 217; (1981) 56 FLR 182 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 22 Dec 1981 AustLII flag 26
Westheafer v Marriage Guidance Council of WA 65 WAIG 2311 Australia - Western Australia flag 26
Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council v Suburban Centres Pty Ltd [1971] 2 NSWLR 335; (1971) 25 LGRA 228 Australia - New South Wales circa 1971 LexisNexis AU flag 24
Alchin and South Newcastle Leagues Club Ltd [1977] AR (NSW) 236 Australia - New South Wales circa 1977 flag 18
Confederation of Western Australian Industry (Inc) v Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, Hospital, Service and Miscellaneous, WA Branch (1990) 70 WAIG 1281 Australia - Western Australia circa 1990 flag 12
Attorney-General on Relation of Monmouthshire County Council and Same Council v Scott [1905] UKLawRpKQB 19; [1905] 2 KB 160 United Kingdom 24 Jan 1905 CommonLII flag 12
Benjamin v Gold Corporation (1998) 78 WAIG 1392 Australia - Western Australia circa 1998 flag 4
Dehaan v Little Angels Day Care Centre (1998) 78 WAIG 740 Australia - Western Australia circa 1998 flag 4
In SSTU and Hedland College Council (1987) 67 WAIG 1118 Australia - Western Australia circa 1987 flag 4

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