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Spouses Roy Po Lam and Josefa Ong Po Lam v Court of Appeals and Felix Lim now Jose Lee   flag 

[1999] PHSC 883
Supreme Court of the Philippines
13th October, 1999

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1993] P 8 [1993] P 8 circa 1993 1
[1992] P 14 [1992] P 14 circa 1992 1
(1988) 168 Scra 99 (1988) 168 SCRA 99 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1988 flag 4
(1986) 145 Scra 408-418 (1986) 145 SCRA 408-418 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1986 flag 1
Yu v Court of Appeals 251 SCRA 509 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 16
188 Scra 25 188 SCRA 25 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 1
Lim vs Court of Appeals 188 SCRA 23 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
107 Phil 644 107 Phil 644 Philippines flag 1
Demontano v Court of Appeals 81 SCRA 287 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
Reyes and Siochi 48 Phil 844 Philippines flag 11
48 Phil 388 48 Phil 388 Philippines flag 1
48 Phil 140 48 Phil 140 Philippines flag 1
Constantino v Espiritu 45 SCRA 557 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 18
Leung Yee v Strong Machinery Co 37 Phil 644 Philippines flag 68

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