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Sri RB Mittal v The Commissioner of Income-tax - ITCNo 79 of 1994   flag 

[2000] INAPHC 171
High Court of Andhra Pradesh
India - Andhra Pradesh
4th August, 2000

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1993) 201 Itr 23 (1993) 201 ITR 23 circa 1993 1
(1992) 193 Itr 318 (1992) 193 ITR 318 circa 1992 1
C Kant And Co Vs CIT-III, West Bengal (1980) 126 ITR 63 circa 1980 5
(1976) 103 Itr 344 (1976) 103 ITR 344 circa 1976 5
Velji Deoraj and Co Vs CIT (1968) 68 ITR 708 circa 1968 1
Udhavdas Kewalram v CIT (1967) 66 ITR 462 circa 1967 6
Sreelekha Banerjee v Commissioner of Income-tax, Bihar and Orissa (1963) 49 ITR 112 circa 1963 7
A Govindarajulu Mudaliar v CIT (1958) 34 ITR 807 circa 1958 7
CIT v Precision Finance Pvt Ltd 208 ITR 465 circa 1963 4
198 Itr 147 198 ITR 147 circa 1963 3
CIT Vs United Commercial And Industrial Co (P) Ltd 187 ITR 596 circa 1963 4
Calcutta, Oriental Wire Industries (P) Ltd Vs CIT 131 ITR 688 3
121 Itr 890 121 ITR 890 3
114 Itr 689 114 ITR 689 4
CIT v Daulat Mal Rawat Mal 87 ITR 349 11

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