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United States Polo Association - Opposition by the Polo / Lauren Co - Uspa - TM No 2181/93 & 5119/96   flag 

[2001] SGIPOS 6
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
16th August, 2001

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Tiffany & Co v Fabriques de Tabac Reunies SA [1999] SGCA 39; [1999] 3 SLR 147 Supreme Court of Singapore - Court of Appeal Singapore circa 1999 AsianLII flag 44
Kellogg Co v Pacific Food Products Sdn Bhd [1998] SGCA 72; [1999] 2 SLR 651 Supreme Court of Singapore - Court of Appeal Singapore circa 1998 AsianLII flag 24
Dalic TM v Dalic SA [1998] 2 SLR 231 Singapore - Singapore circa 1998 LexisNexis flag 8
Berlei (UK) Ltd v Bali Brassiere Co Inc [1969] 2 All ER 812; [1969] RPC 472; [1969] 1 WLR 1306 United Kingdom circa 1969 LexisNexis flag 132
Re Rysta Ltd ’ s Application [1943] 1 All ER 400; (1943) 60 RPC 87 United Kingdom circa 1943 LexisNexis flag 253
Danish Bacon's application (1934) 51 RPC 148 circa 1934 8
Boord & Son v Huddart (1904) 21 RPC 149 circa 1904 4
Clark v Sharp (1898) 15 RPC 141 circa 1898 204
Taw v Notek (1951) 68 RPC 271 circa 1951 9
Harrods LD Application (1935) 52 RPC 65 circa 1935 53
[1946] RPC 101 [1946] RPC 101 circa 1946 1
re Pianotist Co ’ s Application [1906] RPC 774 circa 1906 47
Boord and Son v Thom and Cameron Ltd (1907) 24 RPC 697 circa 1907 1
Currie and Co 's Application 13 RPC 681 7

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