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AB v Department of Human Services   flag  10

[2001] VCAT 2020
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Australia - Victoria
26th October, 2001

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
'FC2' and Victoria Police (Freedom of Information) [2023] VICmr 28 Victorian Information Commissioner Australia - Victoria 20 Apr 2023 AustLII flag
Shore v Western Health (Review and Regulation) [2019] VCAT 1038 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 11 Jul 2019 AustLII flag 2
Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for 2017/05339 [2017] SAOmbFOI 16 Australia 9 Nov 2017 AustLII flag
Brygel v Victoria Police (Review and Regulation) [2014] VCAT 1199 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 26 Sep 2014 AustLII flag 1
Scott v Office of the Assistant Treasurer (Review and Regulation) [2013] VCAT 2015 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 28 Nov 2013 AustLII flag 2
RFJ v Victoria Police FOI Division (Review and Regulation) [2013] VCAT 1267 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 17 Jul 2013 AustLII flag 677
Macquarie University v Howell (No 2) [2009] NSWADTAP 19 Administrative Decisions Tribunal Australia - New South Wales 25 Mar 2009 AustLII flag 38
Williams v Victoria Police [2007] VCAT 1194; 27 VAR 59 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 5 Jul 2007 AustLII flag 32
Hanson v Department of Education & Training [2007] VCAT 123 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 30 Jan 2007 AustLII flag 97
Akers v Victoria Police [2003] VCAT 397 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Victoria 2 Apr 2003 AustLII flag 109

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) s31, s32, s33, s67, s30
Children and Young Persons Act 1989 (Vic) s33, s67

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Secretary to the Department of Premier and Cabinet v Hulls [1999] VSCA 117; [1999] 3 VR 331; 15 VAR 360 Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal Australia - Victoria 11 Aug 1999 AustLII flag 558
Re Oostermeyer and The Alfred Hospital (1998) 13 VAR 449 Australia - Victoria circa 1998 flag 8
Re Subramanian and Refugee Review Tribunal (1997) 44 ALD 435 Australia circa 1997 LexisNexis AU flag 14
Milthorpe v Mt Alexander Shire Council (1997) 12 VAR 105 Australia - Victoria circa 1997 flag 45
Re City Parking Pty Ltd and City of Melbourne (1996) 10 VAR 170 Australia - Victoria circa 1996 flag 36
Re O'Sullivan and Health and Community Services (1995) 8 VAR 449 Australia - Victoria circa 1995 flag 6
University of Melbourne v Robinson [1993] VicRp 67; [1993] 2 VR 177 Australia - Victoria 31 Mar 1993 AustLII flag 70
Perton v Department of Manufacturing and Industry Development (1991) 5 VAR 149 Australia - Victoria circa 1991 flag 14
DPP v Smith [1991] VicRp 6; [1991] 1 VR 63; (1991) 100 FLR 6; [1991] Vic Rep 6 Australia - Victoria 13 Dec 1989 AustLII flag 509
Ryder v Booth [1985] VAR 869 Australia - Victoria circa 1985 flag 1
103 But 11 103 BUT 11 Italy circa 1991 flag 1
Pescott and Department of Conservation & Environment, Re 5 VAR 54 Australia - Victoria flag 6

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