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Pasalapudi Musalamma, v ARYA PRATINIDHI SABHA - CMANO 905 of 2001 (and batch)   flag 

[2002] INAPHC 342
High Court of Andhra Pradesh
India - Andhra Pradesh
3rd October, 2002

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[2001] Acj 2014 [2001] ACJ 2014 circa 2014 2
[2001] Acj 2036 [2001] ACJ 2036 circa 2001 2
New India Assurance Co Ltd v Satpal Singh (2000) 1 SCC 237 circa 2000 24
[1999] Acj 1262 [1999] ACJ 1262 circa 1999 2
New India Assurance Co Ltd [1999] ACJ 171 circa 1999 3
Ved Prakash Garg v Premi Devi 1998 1 ACJ 1 circa 1998 3
Thappeta Ramakka [1995] ACJ 358 circa 1995 5
Narcinva v Kamat and Anr v Alfredo Antonia Doe Martins [1985] ACJ 397 New Zealand 9 Oct 1985 NZLII flag 17
Sait Tarajee Khimchand v Yelamarti Saytam AIR 1971 SC 1865 Supreme Court of India India circa 1971 flag 11
[2001] Acj 1921 [2001] ACJ 1921 circa 1921 2

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