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"Parliamentary Sovereignty: New Zealand - New Millennium"   flag 

[2002] VUWLawRw 12
Grau, Karen
Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review
New Zealand

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Marbury v Madison 5 US 137; 1 Cranch 137; 2 L Ed 135; 2 L Ed 60; 6 Pet 241 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Feb 1803 WorldLII flag 1029
Secretary of State for Education and Science v Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council [1976] UKHL 6; [1977] AC 1014; [1976] 3 All ER 665; [1976] 3 WLR 641; 7 Page 16; 75 LGR 190 House of Lords United Kingdom 21 Oct 1976 BAILII flag 876
Anisminic Ltd v Foreign Compensation Commission [1968] UKHL 6; [1969] 2 AC 147; [1969] 1 All ER 208; [1969] 2 WLR 163; 15 SI 1962 House of Lords United Kingdom 17 Dec 1968 BAILII flag 798
Simpson v Attorney-General [1994] NZCA 287; [1994] 3 NZLR 667; (1994) 1 HRNZ 42 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 29 Jul 1994 NZLII flag 314
R v Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Factortame Ltd (No 2) [1990] UKHL 13; [1991] 1 AC 603; [1991] 1 All ER 70; [1990] 3 WLR 818; [1991] 1 Lloyds Rep 10 House of Lords United Kingdom 11 Oct 1990 BAILII flag 237
Moonen v Film and Literature Board of Review [1999] NZCA 329; [2000] 2 NZLR 9; (1999) 5 HRNZ 224; (1999) 17 CRNZ 159 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 17 Dec 1999 NZLII flag 175
Building Construction Employees and Builders' Labourers Federation of New South Wales v Minister for Industrial Relations (1986) 7 NSWLR 372 Australia - New South Wales circa 1986 LexisNexis AU flag 168
British Railways Board v Pickin [1974] UKHL 1; [1974] AC 765; [1974] 1 All ER 609; [1974] 2 WLR 208 House of Lords United Kingdom 30 Jan 1974 BAILII flag 157
Oppenheimer v Cattermole [1976] AC 249 United Kingdom circa 1976 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 124
Bradlaugh v Gossett [1884] UKLawRpKQB 20; (1884) 12 QBD 271; 50 LT 620; 53 LJQB 209; 32 WR 552 United Kingdom 9 Feb 1884 CommonLII flag 119
Te Runanga o Wharekauri Rekohu Inc v Attorney-General [1992] NZCA 503; [1993] 2 NZLR 301 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 3 Nov 1992 NZLII flag 106
Fraser v State Services Commission [1984] 1 NZLR 116 New Zealand circa 1984 LexisNexis flag 86
Taylor v New Zealand Poultry Board [1984] 1 NZLR 394 New Zealand circa 1984 LexisNexis flag 82
R v R [1991] UKHL 12; [1992] 1 AC 599; [1991] 2 All ER 257; [1991] 2 WLR 1065; (1991) 155 JP 373; (1991) 93 Cr App R 1; [1991] Crim LR 475; [1992] Fam Law 108; (1991) 155 JPN 752 House of Lords United Kingdom 23 Oct 1991 BAILII flag 79
Case of Proclamations (1611) 12 Co Rep 74 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1611 flag 63
New Zealand Drivers' Association v New Zealand Road Carriers [1982] 1 NZLR 374 New Zealand circa 1982 LexisNexis flag 52
New Zealand Maori Council v Attorney-General [1996] NZCA 475; [1996] 3 NZLR 140 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 13 Jun 1996 NZLII flag 49
"Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals" (1958) 71 Harvard Law Review 593 Harvard Law Review United States circa 1958 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 47
Mouse's Case [1572] EngR 255; 77 ER 1341; (1572-1616) 12 Co Rep 63 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 46
"Positivism and Fidelity to Law--A Reply to Professor Hart" (1958) 71 Harvard Law Review 630 Harvard Law Review United States circa 1958 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 41
L v M [1979] NZCA 59; [1979] 2 NZLR 519; 1979) 2 NZAR 256 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 19 Dec 1979 NZLII flag 37
Dr Bonham's Case [1572] EngR 106; 77 ER 638; (1572-1616) 8 Co Rep 107 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 29
112 Er 1112 112 ER 1112 United Kingdom circa 1991 CommonLII flag 28
Brader v Ministry of Transport [1981] 1 NZLR 73 New Zealand circa 1981 LexisNexis flag 25
"Fundamentals" [1988] New Zealand Law Journal 158 New Zealand Law Journal New Zealand circa 1988 flag 21
21 Er 485 21 ER 485 United Kingdom circa 1991 CommonLII flag 21
Lee v the Bude and Torrington Junction Railway Co [1871] UKLawRpCP 50; (1871) LR 6 CP 576 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom 23 Jun 1871 CommonLII flag 20
Dalkeith Railway v Wauchope (1842) 8 Cl & F 710 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1842 flag 17
"Turning Clark Kent into Superman: The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990" (2000) 9 Otago Law Review 613 Otago Law Review New Zealand circa 2000 NZLII flag 15
"Droit Public - English Style" [1995] Public Law 57 Public Law United Kingdom circa 1995 Westlaw flag 14
"Dicey's dubious dogma of parliamentary sovereignty: a recent fray with freedom of religion" (1985) 59 Australian Law Journal 276 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1985 Legal Online flag 14
"Law and Democracy" [1995] Public Law 72 Public Law United Kingdom circa 1995 Westlaw flag 13
"Judicial Indications of Inconsistency - A New Weapon in the Bill of Rights Armoury" [2000] New Zealand Law Review 43 New Zealand Law Review New Zealand circa 2000 HeinOnline / Informit / LexisNexis flag 10
"Parliamentary Sovereignty: Law, Politics, and Revolution" (1997) 113 Law Quarterly Review 443 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1997 Westlaw flag 10
"Sovereignty – Revolution or Evolution?" (1996) 112 Law Quarterly Review 568 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1996 Westlaw flag 9
"Human Rights: A Twenty-First Century Agenda" [1995] Public Law 386 Public Law United Kingdom circa 1995 Westlaw flag 9
R v Hampden (1637) 3 St Tr 825; 79 ER 1053 United Kingdom circa 1637 CommonLII flag 9
"Judicial Sovereignty - A New View" [1984] New Zealand Law Journal 357 New Zealand Law Journal New Zealand circa 1984 flag 8
Day versus Savadge [1792] EngR 643; 80 ER 235; [1792] Hob 85 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1792 CommonLII flag 7
Sheffield v Radcliffe [1615] Hob 334 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1615 flag 7
Green v Mortimer (1861) 3 LT 642 United Kingdom circa 1861 flag 6
"The Relationship of Parliament and the Courts: A Tentative Thought or Two for the New Millennium" (2000) 31 Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review 5 Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review New Zealand circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 5
Day v Savadge [1614] Hob 85 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1614 flag 5
Yet Rowles v Mason [1612] EngR 19; 123 ER 892; (1612) 2 Br & Gold 192 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1612 CommonLII flag 5
"Judicial review: the tensions between the executive and the judiciary" (1998) 114 Law Quarterly Review 579 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1998 Westlaw flag 4
"A Brooding Omnipresence: Totalitarianism in Postwar Constitutional Thought" (1996) 106 Yale Law Journal 423 Yale Law Journal United States circa 1996 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 4
Makers; The Theory and Practice of Wednesbury Review'' [1996] Public Law 59 Public Law United Kingdom circa 1996 Westlaw flag 4
"Bonham's Case and Judicial Review" (1926) 40 Harvard Law Review 30 Harvard Law Review United States circa 1926 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
Godden v Hales (1686) 11 St Tr 1165 United Kingdom circa 1686 flag 4
"Sovereignty this century – Maori and the common law constitution" (2000) 31 Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review 187 Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review New Zealand circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Sovereignty Re-examined: The Courts, Parliament, and Statutes" (2000) 20 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 131 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies United Kingdom circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"The Common Law Status of Colonies and Aboriginal `Rights': How Lawyers and Historians Treat The Past" (1998) 61 Saskatchewan Law Review 393 Saskatchewan Law Review Canada circa 1998 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
Arizona v California 531 US 1; 148 L Ed 2d 1; 121 SCt 292 United States Supreme Court United States 10 Oct 2000 WorldLII flag 2
"Against Common Right and Reason: The College of Physicians Versus Dr Thomas Bonham" (1985) 29 American Journal of Legal History 301 American Journal of Legal History United States circa 1985 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 2
"Dr Bonham's Case" [1938] Law Quarterly Review 543 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1938 Westlaw flag 2
"Did Sir Edward Coke Mean What He Said?" (1999) 16 Constitutional Commentary 33 Constitutional Commentary United States circa 1999 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Wellington Polytechnic and Massey University The [1998] NZLR 234 New Zealand circa 1998 LexisNexis flag 1
"Dr Bonham's Case: The Ghost in the Constitutional Machine" [1996] Denning Law Journal 63 Denning Law Journal United Kingdom circa 1996 BL Direct flag 1
"Bill of Rights Launch" [1993] New Zealand Law Journal 123 New Zealand Law Journal New Zealand circa 1993 flag 1
"Britain's Bill of Rights" (1978) 44 Law Quarterly Review 512 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1978 Westlaw flag 1
(1974) 37 MLR 686 (1974) 37 MLR 686 Malaysia circa 1974 flag 1
"Dr Bonham's Case and Judicial Review" [1926] Harvard Law Review 30 Harvard Law Review United States circa 1926 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1

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