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Bowman v NSW Coal Compensation Review Tribunal and NSW Coal Compensation Board   flag 

[2003] NSWSC 568
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
26th June, 2003

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Coal Acquisition Act 1981 (NSW) s5, s6
Coal Mining Act 1973 (NSW)
Coal Mining (Amendment) Act 1981 (NSW)
Coal Acquisition (Transitional Provisions) Regulation 1982 (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Batten Pooll v Kennedy [1906] UKLawRpCh 126; (1907) 1 Ch 256 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 30 Jul 1906 CommonLII flag 3

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