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People of the Philippines v Joseph Dizon Y Narido - GR   flag 

[2003] PHSC 1068
Supreme Court of the Philippines
11th December, 2003

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(2001) 369 Scra 245 (2001) 369 SCRA 245 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2001 flag 3
(2001) 367 Scra 237 (2001) 367 SCRA 237 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2001 flag 4
People vs Rapisora (2001) 350 SCRA 299 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2001 flag 9
(1978) 84 Scra 105 (1978) 84 SCRA 105 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1978 flag 5
People v Joven (1975) 64 SCRA 126 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1975 flag 26
People v Lachica 382 SCRA 162 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 26
People v Lopez 302 SCRA 669 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 38
People v Sanchez 302 SCRA 21 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 49
People v Echegaray 257 SCRA 561 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 41
People v Galimba 253 SCRA 722 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 40
People v Gagto 253 SCRA 455 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 87
People v Conde 252 SCRA 681 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 30

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