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Goa v Govind Xanu Raut Dessai - FA / 36 / 1999   flag 

[2004] INGAHC 217
High Court of Bombay at Goa
13th April, 2004

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1997 SC 1779 AIR 1997 SC 1779 Supreme Court of India India circa 1997 flag 2
Air 1997 SC 2625 AIR 1997 SC 2625 Supreme Court of India India circa 1997 flag 11
Mehta Ravindrarai Ajitrai v Gujarat [1989] INSC 230; 1989 2 SCALE 296; 1989 3 JT 321; 1989 4 SCC 250; 1989 3 SCR 743; AIR 1989 SC 2051 Supreme Court of India India 8 Aug 1989 LIIofIndia flag 4
Karan Singh v Union of India (1997) 8 SCC 186 circa 1997 10

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