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New India Assurance Coltd v M/S Kochhar Carriers & Anr - Rfaos 269/1982   flag 

[2005] INDLHC 32
High Court of Delhi
20th May, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 2004 Ker 139 AIR 2004 Ker 139 India - Kerala circa 2004 flag 3
2001 2 DLT 232 2001 2 DLT 232 India - Delhi circa 2001 flag 1
Air 2001 Delhi 353 AIR 2001 Delhi 353 India - Delhi circa 2001 flag 1
Air 2000 SC 1461 AIR 2000 SC 1461 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 4
Air 1993 Cal 26 AIR 1993 Cal 26 India - West Bengal circa 1993 flag 1
1991 1 Acj 330 1991 1 ACJ 330 circa 1991 1
Air 1979 Cal 178 AIR 1979 Cal 178 India - West Bengal circa 1979 flag 1
Air 1977 Assam 79 AIR 1977 Assam 79 India - Assam circa 1977 flag 1
Air 1966 All 260 AIR 1966 All 260 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1966 flag 3
Tugun Ram Vs Dominionof India & Others AIR 1964 Pun 318 India - Punjab circa 1964 flag 2
Air 1962 Assam 110 AIR 1962 Assam 110 India - Assam circa 1962 flag 2
29 Co Rep 414 29 Co Rep 414 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1964 flag 1

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