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Mahant Chand Nath Yogi v Haryana - CRM-19319-m-2005   flag 

[2006] INPBHC 976
High Court of Punjab and Haryana
20th February, 2006

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Janata Dal v HS Chowdhary (1992) 4 SCC 305; [1993] SCC (Cri) 36 Supreme Court of India India circa 1993 flag 76
Haryana v Bhajan Lal [1992] SCC (Cri) 426 Supreme Court of India India circa 1992 flag 19
DR Raghubir Sharan v Bihar [1963] INSC 58; (1964) 2 SCR 336; AIR 1964 SC 1 Supreme Court of India India 14 Mar 1963 LIIofIndia flag 22
RP Kapur v Punjab AIR 1960 SC 860 Supreme Court of India India circa 1960 flag 1

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