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"Is the Crisis of Climate Change a Crisis for International Law: Is International Law too Democratic, too Democratic, too Capitalist and too Fearful to Cope with the Crisis of Climate Change"   flag 

(2007) 14 Australian International Law Journal 31
Scott, Shirley v
Australian International Law Journal

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
"Cities and the Multilevel Governance of Global Climate Change" (2006) 12 Global Governance 141 Global Governance United States circa 2006 HeinOnline flag 2
"International Law: A Discipline of Crisis" (2002) 65 Modern Law Review 377 Modern Law Review United Kingdom circa 2002 HeinOnline flag 6
"The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" (1998) 37 International Legal Materials 22 International Legal Materials United States circa 1998 HeinOnline flag 66
"Convention on the Law of Treaties" (1969) 8 International Legal Materials 679 International Legal Materials United States circa 1969 HeinOnline flag 48
"Hegemonic Federalism: The Democratic Implications of the UN Security Council's Legislative Phase" (2007) 38 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 175 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review New Zealand circa 2007 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"Political Interpretation of Multilateral Treaties: Reconciling Text with Political Reality, The" (2007) 5 New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law 103 New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law New Zealand circa 2007 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"The Security Council as World Legislature" (2005) 99 American Journal of International Law 175 American Journal of International Law United States circa 2005 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 9
"The Security Council Starts Legislating" (2002) 96 American Journal of International Law 901 American Journal of International Law United States circa 2002 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 6
"The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance" (1992) 86 American Journal of International Law 46 American Journal of International Law United States circa 1992 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 34
"Attitude of the Asian-African States toward Certain Problems of International Law" (1966) 15 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 55 International and Comparative Law Quarterly United Kingdom circa 1966 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"Development of a Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The" (2001) 5 New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law 55 New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law New Zealand circa 2001 NZLII flag 3
(1992) 1771 Unts 107 (1992) 1771 UNTS 107 International circa 1992 flag 109
"Why Does Market Capitalism Fail to Deliver a Sustainable Environment and Greater Equality of Incomes?" (2005) 29 Cambridge Journal of Economics 1091 Cambridge Journal of Economics United Kingdom circa 2005 flag 1
(1982) 1833 Unts 3 (1982) 1833 UNTS 3 International circa 1982 flag 145

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