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Jay Prakash Bhagat v Subhash Chandra Bhagat - Ajc Xth TA 171/2006   flag 

[2007] INJHRADC 13
District Court of Ranchi
20th April, 2007

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1978 Pat 351; Air 2001 SC 2783 AIR 1978 Pat 351; AIR 2001 SC 2783 Supreme Court of India India - Bihar circa 2001 flag 1
Air 1960 Pat 223; Air 1989 Ap 179; Air 1974 Pat 254; Air 1975 Pat 168 AIR 1960 Pat 223; AIR 1989 AP 179; AIR 1974 Pat 254; AIR 1975 Pat 168 India - Bihar circa 1975 flag 1
Air 1971 SC 1244 AIR 1971 SC 1244 Supreme Court of India India circa 1971 flag 14
Air 1976 Pat 92; Air 1957 Pat 64 AIR 1976 Pat 92; AIR 1957 Pat 64 India - Bihar circa 1957 flag 1
Air 1928 All 641 AIR 1928 All 641 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1928 flag 4

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