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Prof Adn Bajpai v MP & Anr - WP--1606/2007   flag 

[2007] INMPHC 542
High Court of Madhya Pradesh
India - Madhya Pradesh
13th September, 2007

Legislation Cited

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Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1995 HP 156 AIR 1995 HP 156 India - Himachal Pradesh circa 1995 flag 1
Air 2000 SC 22 AIR 2000 SC 22 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 29
Air 2000 SC 1448 AIR 2000 SC 1448 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 1
Air 2005 SC 314 AIR 2005 SC 314 Supreme Court of India India circa 2005 flag 2
Bangalore Medical Trust v BS Muddappa [1991] INSC 161; (1991) 4 SCC 54; 1991 2 SCALE 131; 1991 3 JT 172; 1991 3 SCR 102; AIR 1991 SC 1902 Supreme Court of India India 19 Jul 1991 LIIofIndia flag 3
E P Royappa v Tamil Nadu & Anr [1973] INSC 214; (1974) 4 SCC 3; [1974] 2 SCR 348; [1974] SCC (L & S) 165; AIR 1974 SC 555 Supreme Court of India India 23 Nov 1973 LIIofIndia flag 244
Hoti Lal & Anr (2003) 3 SCC 605 circa 2003 73

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