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Sita Ram v Radhey Shyam   flag 

[2007] INSC 1010
Supreme Court of India
5th October, 2007

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(2000) 6 SCC 420 AIR 2000 SC 2408; (2000) 6 SCC 420 circa 2000
Syd Dastagir v TR Gopalakrishna Setty (1999) 6 SCC 337 circa 1999 14
Pksara Bai (1989) 4 SCC 313; AIR 1990 SC 682 Supreme Court of India India circa 1990 flag 7
R C Chandiok & Anr v Chuni Lal Sabharwal [1970] INSC 209; [1971] 2 SCR 573; AIR 1971 SC 1238; (1970) 3 SCC 140 Supreme Court of India India 12 Oct 1970 LIIofIndia flag 42
Prem Raj v DLF Housing & Construction PVT Ltd & Anr [1968] INSC 90; 1968 3 SCR 648; AIR 1968 SC 1355 Supreme Court of India India 4 Apr 1968 LIIofIndia flag 3
Ardeshir H Mama v Flora Sassoon AIR 1928 PC 208 Privy Council India circa 1928 flag 12
Cort and Gee v The Ambergate, Nottingham and Boston and Eastern Junction Railway Co [1851] EngR 510; (1851) 17 QB 127; 117 ER 1229 United Kingdom circa 1851 CommonLII flag 29
6 SCC 337 6 SCC 337 4
4 SCC 313 4 SCC 313 2
3 SCC 140 3 SCC 140 4
2 SCC 539 2 SCC 539 4

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