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People of the Phil v Norberto Delim   flag 

[2007] PHSC 1072
Supreme Court of the Philippines
13th September, 2007

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(2003) 397 Scra 382 (2003) 397 SCRA 382 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2003 flag 7
(2005) 478 Scra 378 (2005) 478 SCRA 378 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2005 flag 1
People v Delim 396 SCRA 386 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 35
People v Felixminia 379 SCRA 567 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
People v Ignas 412 SCRA 311 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 7
People v Mateo (2004) 433 SCRA 640 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2004 flag 379
People v Matito (2004) 423 SCRA 617 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2004 flag 10
People v Rafael (2000) 343 SCRA 97 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2000 flag 10
People v Ramos (2004) 427 SCRA 299 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2004 flag 11

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