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Bartley, N v Harlequin Paints Pty Ltd t/a Stormshield   flag 

[2007] QCCTB 129
Queensland Commercial and Consumer Tribunal - Building List
Australia - Queensland
21st September, 2007

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Commercial and Consumer Tribunal Act 2003 (Qld)
Domestic Building Contracts Act 2000 (Qld)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ruxley Electronics v Forsyth [1996] 1 AC 344 United Kingdom circa 1996 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 336
D Galambos & Son Pty Ltd v McIntyre (1974) 5 ACTR 10 Australia - Australian Capital Territory circa 1974 LexisNexis AU flag 125
Bellgrove v Eldridge [1954] HCA 36; (1954) 90 CLR 613; [1954] ALR 929; (1954) 90 CR 613; 28 ALJR 319 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Aug 1954 AustLII flag 1098

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