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Ltd   flag  2

[2008] HCATrans 396
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
3rd December, 2008

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"After Tabcorp, for Whom Does the Bellgrove Toll? Cementing the Expectation Measure as the 'Ruling Principle' for Calculation of Contract Damages" (2009) 33 Melbourne University Law Review 684 Bell, Matthew Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag 2
"After TABCORP, for Whom Does the BELLGROVE Tolls? Cementing the Expectation Measures as the 'Ruling Principle' for Calculation of Contract Damages" [2009] UMelbLRS 17 Bell, Matthew Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Evidence Act 1995 (Cth)
Judiciary Act (Cth) s79
Trade Practices Act (Cth) s82, s87

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Rainbow Estates Ltd v Tokenhold Ltd [1999] Ch 64 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1999 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 8
Ruxley Electronics & Construction Ltd v Forsyth [1996] 1 AC 344 United Kingdom circa 1996 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 336
Bannon v R [1995] HCA 27; (1995) 185 CLR 1; (1995) 132 ALR 87; (1995) 83 A Crim R 370; (1995) 70 ALJR 25; (1995) 19 Leg Rep C1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 9 Nov 1995 AustLII flag 95
Maori Trustee v Rogross Farms Ltd CA175/91 [1994] NZCA 472; [1994] 3 NZLR 410; (1994) 2 NZ Conv C 191,946; [1995] ANZ Conv R 631 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 7 Sep 1994 NZLII flag 33
Wentworth v Woollahra Municipal Council [1982] HCA 41; (1982) 149 CLR 672; (1982) 42 ALR 69; (1982) 56 ALJR 745; (1982) 51 LGRA 212; [1982] ANZ Conv R 530 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Oct 1982 AustLII flag 309
Radford v De Froberville [1978] 1 All ER 33; [1977] 1 WLR 1262 United Kingdom circa 1978 LexisNexis flag 172
Wroth v Tyler [1974] Ch 30; [1973] 1 All ER 897; [1973] 2 WLR 405 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1974 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 89
Vines v Djordjevitch [1955] HCA 19; (1955) 91 CLR 512; [1955] ALR 431; (1955) 29 ALJR 31 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Apr 1955 AustLII flag 333
Bellgrove v Eldridge [1954] HCA 36; (1954) 90 CLR 613; [1954] ALR 929; (1954) 90 CR 613; 28 ALJR 319 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Aug 1954 AustLII flag 1098
James v Hutton and J Cook & Sons Ltd [1950] 1 KB 9; [1949] 2 All ER 243 United Kingdom circa 1950 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 15
Eyre v Rea [1943] KB 567 United Kingdom circa 1943 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Terroni   v Corsini [1931] 1 Ch 515 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1931 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
Whitlam v Kershaw (1885) 16 QB 613 United Kingdom circa 1885 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
Inderwick v Leech (1884) 1 TLR 484 United Kingdom circa 1884 LexisNexis flag 2
Rawlings v Morgan [1865] EngR 418; 18 CBNS 776; 141 ER 650; 34 LJCP 185 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1865 CommonLII flag 7
Yates v Dunster [1855] EngR 393; 156 ER 726; (1855) 11 Exch 15 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1855 CommonLII flag 7

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