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U R Kapoor S/O L R Kapoor, R/O C-764 v Union of India through Joint Secretary (UT) - Case   flag 

[2008] INCAT 385
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
12th March, 2008

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
S Govinda Menon v Union of India [1967] INSC 29; (1967) 2 SCR 566; AIR 1967 SC 1274 Supreme Court of India India 2 Feb 1967 LIIofIndia flag 61
1994 1 SC 658 1994 1 SC 658 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1994 flag 40
2 SCC 330 2 SCC 330 circa 1967 14
Union of India & Another v Kunisetty Satyanarayana 2007 1 SCt 452 United States circa 2007 Westlaw flag 13
3 SCC 124 3 SCC 124 circa 1967 11
2 SCC 56 2 SCC 56 11
3 SCC 241 3 SCC 241 circa 1967 8
2 SCC 55 2 SCC 55 7
2 SCC 49 2 SCC 49 7
7 SCC 409 7 SCC 409 circa 1967 6
11 SCC 498 11 SCC 498 circa 1967 3
11 SCC 368 11 SCC 368 circa 1967 3
5 SCC 680 5 SCC 680 3

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