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NAS v Schloss   flag 

[2008] QDC 215
District Court of Queensland
Australia - Queensland
29th August, 2008

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Justices Act (Qld)
Criminal Offence Victims Act 1995 (Qld)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
McClintock v Jones [1996] 1 Qd R 524; (1995) 79 A Crim R 238; [1995] Aust Torts Reports 81-339 Australia - Queensland circa 1996 LexisNexis AU flag 62
HW v Lo [2000] QCA 377; [2001] 2 Qd R 415; 115 A Crim R 140 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 15 Sep 2000 AustLII flag 51
Maj v KM [2000] QCA 410 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 6 Oct 2000 AustLII flag 40
Sam v Sam [2001] QCA 12 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 2 Feb 2001 AustLII flag 38
W v W [2003] QDC 435 District Court of Queensland Australia - Queensland 27 Nov 2003 AustLII flag 4
[1899] Ch 65a [1899] Ch 65A Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1899 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1

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