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Case Name | Citation(s) | Court | Jurisdiction | Date † | Full Text | Citation Index | |
Second Circuit Upholds Perpetual Anti-Bootlegging Protection Against Copyright Clause Challenge | (2008) 121 Harvard Law Review 1455 | Harvard Law Review | United States | 1 Jan 2008 | WorldLII |
"Copyright, Fair Use and Motion Pictures" |
Utah Law Review | United States - Utah | circa 2007 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"The Questionable Use of Custom in Intellectual Property" |
Virginia Law Review | United States | circa 2007 | LexisNexis |
"Blackberries and Barnyards: Patent Trolls and The Perils of Innovation" | (2007) 82 Notre Dame Law Review 1809 | Notre Dame Law Review | United States | circa 2007 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
""Peer to Patent": Collective Intelligence, Open Review, and Patent Reform" | (2006) 20 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 123 | Harvard Journal of Law & Technology | United States | circa 2006 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Enriching Discourse on Public Domains" |
Duke Law Journal | United States | circa 2006 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Copyright And Incomplete Historiographies: Of Piracy, Propertization, And Thomas Jefferson" | (2006) 79 Southern California Law Review 993 | Southern California Law Review | United States | circa 2006 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Re-crafting a public domain" | (2006) 18 Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 56 | Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities | United States | circa 2006 | LexisNexis |
"Remembering the Public Domain" | (2006) 84 Denver University Law Review 135 | Denver University Law Review | United States | circa 2006 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Sharing Nicely: On Shareable Goods and the Emergence of Sharing as a Modality of Economic Production | 114 Yale Law Journal 273 | Yale Law Journal | United States | 1 Jan 2004 | WorldLII |
"Digital Speech and Democratic Culture: A Theory of Freedom of Expression for the Information Society" | (2004) 79 New York University Law Review 1 | New York University Law Review | United States | circa 2004 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"A Pattern-Oriented Approach To Fair Use" | (2004) 45 William and Mary Law Review 1525 | William and Mary Law Review | United States | circa 2004 |
"The Romance Of The Public Domain" | (2004) 92 California Law Review 1331 | California Law Review | United States | circa 2004 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Eldred v Ashcroft |
537 US 186; |
United States Supreme Court | United States | 15 Jan 2003 | WorldLII |
Eldred and Lochner: Copyright Term Extensionand Intellectual Property as Constitutional Property | (2003) 112 Yale Law Journal 2331 | Yale Law Journal | United States | 1 Jan 2003 | WorldLII |
"Engaging Facts And Policy: A Multi-Institutional Approach To Patent System Reform" |
Columbia Law Review | United States | circa 2003 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Policy Levers in Patent Law" |
Virginia Law Review | United States | circa 2003 | LexisNexis |
"Origins and Meanings of the Public Domain" | (2002) 28 University of Dayton Law Review 215 | University of Dayton Law Review | United States | circa 2002 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Freedom of Imagination: Copyright's Constitutionality | (2002) 112 Yale Law Journal 1 | Yale Law Journal | United States | 1 Jan 2002 | WorldLII |
Coase's Penguin, or, Linux and The Nature of the Firm | 112 Yale Law Journal 369 | Yale Law Journal | United States | 1 Jan 2002 | WorldLII |
"The Architecture of Innovation" |
Duke Law Journal | United States | circa 2002 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Locating Copyright Within The First Amendment Skein" |
Stanford Law Review | United States | circa 2001 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"The Legal Infrastructure of High Technology Industrial Districts: Silicon Valley, Route 128 and Covenants Not to Compete" | (1999) 74 New York University Law Review 575 | New York University Law Review | United States | circa 1999 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Private Ownership of Public Image: Popular Culture and Publicity Rights" |
California Law Review | United States | circa 1993 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Feist Publications, Inc v Rural Telephone Service Co |
499 US 340; |
United States Supreme Court | United States | 27 Mar 1991 | WorldLII |
"Objects of Property and Subjects of Politics: Intellectual Property Laws and Democratic Dialogue" |
Texas Law Review | United States | circa 1991 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"The Public Domain" |
Emory Law Journal | United States | circa 1990 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Bonito Boats, Inc v Thunder Craft Boats, Inc |
489 US 141; |
United States Supreme Court | United States | 21 Feb 1989 | WorldLII |
Harold Demsetz, Information and Efficiency: Another Viewpoint | (1969) 12 Journal of Law and Economics 1 | Journal of Law and Economics | United States | circa 1969 | HeinOnline |
United States v Miller |
307 US 174; |
United States Supreme Court | United States | 15 May 1939 | WorldLII |
International News Service v Associated Press |
248 US 215; |
United States Supreme Court | United States | 23 Dec 1918 | WorldLII |
"Patent Portfolios" | 154 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1 | University of Pennsylvania Law Review | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Toward a Fair Use Standard |
Harvard Law Review | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Rational Ignorance at the Patent Office" | 95 Northwestern University Law Review 1495 | Northwestern University Law Review | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
92 American Political Science Review 1 | 92 American Political Science Review 1 | American Political Science Review | United States |
"The Economics of Improvement in Intellectual Property Law" |
Texas Law Review | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"The Credible Executive" | 74 University of Chicago Law Review 865 | University of Chicago Law Review | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Free as the Air to Common Use: First Amendment Constraints on Enclosure of the Public Domain" | 74 New York University Law Review 354 | New York University Law Review | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"Copyright and the First Amendment" |
Columbia Law Review | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Freedom of Speech and Injunctions in Intellectual Property Cases |
Duke Law Journal | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
"The Content of Our Categories: A Cognitive Bias Approach to Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Employment" |
Stanford Law Review | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
41 Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA 137 | 41 Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA 137 | Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA | United States |
Timothy K Armstrong, Digital Rights Management and the Process of Fair Use | 20 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 49 | Harvard Journal of Law & Technology | United States | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
14 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 215 | 14 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 215 | Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal | United States | HeinOnline / Westlaw |
Information Superhighway: The Case Against Copyright Liability of Bulletin Board Operators | 13 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 345 | Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal | United States | HeinOnline / Westlaw |
Kenneth J Arrow, Gifts and Exchanges |
United States |
Melville B Nimmer, Does Copyright Abridge the First Amendment Guarantees of Free Speech and Press? 17 University of California at Los Angeles Law Review 1180 |