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People of the Philippines v Erpascual Diega Y Pajares   flag 

[2010] PHSC 276
Supreme Court of the Philippines
15th March, 2010

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(2009) 576 Scra 242 (2009) 576 SCRA 242 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2009 flag 6
(2008) 555 Scra 156 (2008) 555 SCRA 156 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2008 flag 2
(2008) 555 Scra 329 (2008) 555 SCRA 329 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2008 flag 3
(2004) 428 Scra 504 (2004) 428 SCRA 504 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2004 flag 19
People v Mateo (2004) 433 SCRA 640 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2004 flag 379
People v Paraiso 349 SCRA 335 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 22
People v Darilay 465 Phil 747 Philippines flag 3
People v Asis 439 Phil 707 Philippines flag 3
People v Nanas 415 Phil 683 Philippines flag 3
People v Diaz 443 Phil 67 Philippines flag 6

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