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Commr of Customs v Sayed Ali & Anr   flag 

[2011] INSC 142
Supreme Court of India
18th February, 2011

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(2004) 170 Elt 51 (2004) 170 ELT 51 India circa 2004 flag 2
(2004) 166 Elt a152 (2004) 166 ELT A152 India circa 2004 flag 1
(1998) 98 Elt 821 (1998) 98 ELT 821 India circa 1998 flag 1
Mumbai Union of India v Ram Narain Bishwanath (1998) 9 SCC 285 circa 1998 3
(1997) 73 Ecr 348 (1997) 73 ECR 348 Europe circa 1997 flag 1
(1995) 76 Elt 520 (1995) 76 ELT 520 India circa 1995 flag 1
(1988) 36 Elt 468 (1988) 36 ELT 468 India circa 1988 flag 1
(1974) 3 SCC 230 (1974) 3 SCC 230 circa 1974 1

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