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Dinesh Kumar v Govt of NCT of Delhi - WP (C) 1229/2012   flag 

[2012] INDLHC 2914
High Court of Delhi
1st May, 2012

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1973) 14 GLR 104 (1973) 14 GLR 104 circa 1973 1
[1989] Cr LJ 681 [1989] Cr LJ 681 India circa 1989 flag 1
[2006] Air SC 2471 [2006] AIR SC 2471 Supreme Court of India India circa 2006 flag 1
Air 1978 SC 579 AIR 1978 SC 579 Supreme Court of India India circa 1978 flag 3
Air 2002 SC 1109 AIR 2002 SC 1109 Supreme Court of India India circa 2002 flag 1
Bhikhabhai Devshi Vs Gujarat AIR 1987 Guj 136 India - Gujarat circa 1987 flag 2
Charles Sobraj v the Suptd , Central Jail, Tihar, New Delhi [1978] INSC 152; (1978) 4 SCC 104; (1979) 1 SCR 512; AIR 1978 SC 1514; [1978] SCC (Cri) 542 Supreme Court of India India 31 Aug 1978 LIIofIndia flag 26
Haryana v Mohinder Singh 2000 3 SCC 394 circa 2000 8
Matter of:rustom Cawasjee Cooper v Union of India [1970] INSC 129; (1971) 1 SCR 512; 1970 2 SCC 298; AIR 1970 SC 1318 Supreme Court of India India 5 May 1970 LIIofIndia flag 11
Sunil Batra v Delhi Administration [1979] INSC 269; (1980) 3 SCC 488; [1980] 2 SCR 557; AIR 1980 SC 1579; [1980] SCC (Cri) 777 Supreme Court of India India 20 Dec 1979 LIIofIndia flag 24
28 DLT 92 28 DLT 92 India - Delhi circa 1978 flag 1
2005 3 GLH 169 2005 3 GLH 169 India - Gujarat circa 2005 flag 1

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