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S v Skrywer (CA 36/2011)   flag 

[2012] NAHC 252
High Court of Namibia
3rd October, 2012

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[2012] Nahcmd 7 [2012] NAHCMD 7 circa 2012 1
2007 2 NR 427 2007 2 NR 427 Canada circa 2007 flag 8
S v Simon 2007 2 NR 500 Canada circa 2007 flag 13
S v Erickson 2007 1 NR 164 Canada circa 2007 flag 14
S v Salome van der Berg [2003] NR 69 Canada circa 2003 flag 2
Van Rooyen [1992] NR 65 Canada circa 1992 flag 1
S v Brand and Various Other Cases [1991] NR 356 Canada circa 1991 flag 4
S v Goroseb [1990] NR 308 Canada circa 1990 flag 5
S v Lekgoale 1983 2 SA 175 South Africa circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 4
S v Scheepers 1977 2 SA 154 South Africa circa 1977 LexisNexis flag 15
Persadh v R 1944 NPD 357 South Africa - Natal circa 1944 flag 9

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