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Nanu-Nana Joachim Hoepp v OHMI - Stal-Florez Botero (la nana) (Judgment)   flag 

[2014] EUECJ T-196/13
Court of Justice of the European Communities
16th July, 2014

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Mundipharma v OHIM – Altana Pharma (RESPICUR) [2007] EUECJ T-256/04; [2007] ECR II-449 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 13 Feb 2007 BAILII flag 55
Reckitt Benckiser (Espaà a) v OHIM - Aladin (ALADIN) [2005] EUECJ T-126/03; [2005] ECR II-2861 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 14 Jul 2005 BAILII flag 17
BIC v OHIM (Shape of a lighter) [2005] ECR II-5959 Europe circa 2005 flag 8
MFE Marienfelde v OHIM - Vétoquinol (HIPOVITON) [2004] ECR II-2787 Europe circa 2004 flag 22
Sunrider v OHIM - Espadafor Caba (VITAFRUIT) [2004] ECR II-2811 Europe circa 2004 flag 15
Vitakraft-Werke WÃ hrmann v OHIM - Krafft (VITAKRAFT) [2004] ECR II-3445 Europe circa 2004 flag 11
Ansul [2003] EUECJ C-40/01; [2003] ECR I-2439; [2003] ETMR 85; [2003] RPC 717 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 11 Mar 2003 BAILII flag 74
Goulbourn v OHIM - Redcats (Silk Cocoon) [2003] ECR II-789 Europe circa 2003 flag 10
Harrison (Hiwatt) [2002] ECR II-5233 Europe circa 2002 flag 16
Lidl Stiftung v OHIM - REWE-Zentral (Salvita) [2005] ECR II-1917 Europe circa 1917 flag 18

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