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Veall v Veall   flag  6

[2014] VSC 38
Supreme Court of Victoria
Australia - Victoria
19th February, 2014

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Veall v Hughes [2020] VSC 423 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 13 Jul 2020 AustLII flag
Re Veall [2016] VSC 232 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 13 May 2016 AustLII flag 4
Estate of Stanislaw Budniak; NSW Trustee & Guardian v Budniak [2015] NSWSC 934 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 30 Jul 2015 AustLII flag 12
Bailey v Richardson [2015] VSC 255 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 5 Jun 2015 AustLII flag 6
Veall v Veall (No 2) [2015] VSCA 122 Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal Australia - Victoria 29 May 2015 AustLII flag 1
Veall v Veall [2015] VSCA 60; (2015) 46 VR 123 Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal Australia - Victoria 16 Apr 2015 AustLII flag 99

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Administration and Probate Act 1958 (Vic) s65

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Vukotic v Vukotic [2013] VSC 718 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 18 Dec 2013 AustLII flag 12
Tobin v Ezekiel [2012] NSWCA 285; (2012) 83 NSWLR 757 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 13 Sep 2012 AustLII flag 281
Bird v Bird (No 4) [2012] NSWSC 648 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 5 Jun 2012 AustLII flag 13
Curwen v Vanbreck Pty Ltd [2009] VSCA 284; (2009) 26 VR 335 Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal Australia - Victoria 9 Dec 2009 AustLII flag 37
Nicholson v Knaggs [2009] VSC 64 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 27 Feb 2009 AustLII flag 91
Rees v Bailey Aluminium Products Pty Ltd [2008] VSCA 244; (2008) 21 VR 478 Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal Australia - Victoria 5 Dec 2008 AustLII flag 56
Kantor v Vosahlo [2004] VSCA 235 Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal Australia - Victoria 16 Dec 2004 AustLII flag 67
McKinnon v Voigt & Smits [1998] 3 VR 543 Australia - Victoria circa 1998 LexisNexis AU flag 55
Robertson v Smith [1998] 4 VR 165 Australia - Victoria circa 1998 LexisNexis AU flag 30
Watson v Foxman [1995] NSWCA 497; (1995) 49 NSWLR 315 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 30 Jan 1995 AustLII flag 1067
Ellis v Wallsend District Hospital (1989) 17 NSWLR 553; [1989] Aust Torts Reports 80-289 Australia - New South Wales circa 1989 LexisNexis AU flag 294
Fenwick (decd), Re [1972] VicRp 75; [1972] VR 646 Australia - Victoria 11 Apr 1972 AustLII flag 43
Jones v Dunkel [1959] HCA 8; (1959) 101 CLR 298; [1959] ALR 367; 32 ALJR 395; (1959) 18 CA 8 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Mar 1959 AustLII flag 7870
Boreham v Prince Henry Hospital (1955) 29 Australian Law Journal 179 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1955 Legal Online flag 33
Timbury v Coffee [1941] HCA 22; (1941) 66 CLR 277; (1941) 15 ALJR 159 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Jul 1941 AustLII flag 215
Nock v Austin [1918] HCA 73; (1918) 25 CLR 519; 25 ALR 88 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1918 AustLII flag 194
Low v Guthrie [1909] UKLawRpAC 13; [1909] AC 278 United Kingdom 26 Mar 1909 CommonLII flag 28
In the Will of Wilson [1898] VicLawRp 39; (1897) 23 VLR 197 Australia - Victoria 29 Apr 1898 AustLII flag 84
Tyrrell v Painton [1893] UKLawRpPro 56; [1894] P 151 United Kingdom 20 Dec 1893 CommonLII flag 146
Parker v Felgate [1883] UKLawRpPro 41; (1883) 8 PD 171 United Kingdom 7 Jul 1883 CommonLII flag 78
Rhodes v Rhodes (1882) 7 AC 192; 30 WB 709; 46 LT 463; 51 LJPC 53 United Kingdom circa 1882 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 20
Fulton v Andrew LR 7 HL 448 United Kingdom 16 Feb 1875 CommonLII flag 152
Baker v Batt [1838] EngR 643; 2 Moore PC 317; (1838) 2 Moore 317; 12 ER 1026 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1838 CommonLII flag 39
Barry v Butlin [1838] EngR 1056; [1838] 2 Moore 480; (1838) 2 Moore PC 480; 12 ER 1089 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1838 CommonLII flag 262
330 CB 1408 330 CB 1408 1
2 CB 209 2 CB 209 1
Shama Churn Kundu v Khettromoni Dasi LR 27 Ind Apps 10 India flag 15

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