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1419357   flag 

[2015] MRTA 835
Migration Review Tribunal
19th May, 2015

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s65
Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Liang v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2009] FCA 189; (2009) 175 FCR 184; (2009) 107 ALD 88 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Mar 2009 AustLII flag 31
Lobo v Minister for Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs [2003] FCAFC 168; (2003) 132 FCR 93; (2003) 200 ALR 359; 75 ALD 667 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Aug 2003 AustLII flag 395

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