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M/S Bombay Dyeing & MFG Co Ltd v Commissioner of Central Excise   flag 

[2019] INSC 1249
Supreme Court of India
9th December, 2019

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(2013) 10 SCC 136 (2013) 10 SCC 136 circa 2013 3
Mumbai v The Commissioner of Customs (Imports), Mumbai (2011) 3 SCC 573; [2011] 2 SCR 691 circa 2011 2
Kalabharti Advertising Vs Hemant Vimalnath Narichania (2010) 9 SCC 437 circa 2010 10
(2007) 109 Bom LR 2167 (2007) 109 Bom LR 2167 India - Maharashtra circa 2007 flag 1
(2005) 3 SCC 489 (2005) 3 SCC 489 circa 2005 3
(2003) 2 SCC 36 (2003) 2 SCC 36 circa 2003 2
(1998) 3 SCC 540 (1998) 3 SCC 540 circa 1998 2
(1997) 7 SCC 223 (1997) 7 SCC 223 circa 1997 1
(1988) 18 Ecr 17 (1988) 18 ECR 17 Europe circa 1988 flag 1
(1987) 32 Elt 234 (1987) 32 ELT 234 India circa 1987 flag 3
(1981) 8 Elt 887 (1981) 8 ELT 887 India circa 1981 flag 1
1961 1 SCR 474 1961 1 SCR 474 circa 1961 6
[1944] Act 40 [1944] Act 40 United Kingdom circa 1944 flag 1

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