Rajunder Narain Rae and Mohainder Narain Rae, the two surviving Sons and representatives of Sree Narain Rae, deceased,-Appellants; Bijai Govind Sing, Son and representative of Bhya Jha, deceased,-Respondent
[1839] EngR 909; 18 ER 296
United Kingdom
circa 1839
Rajunder Narain Rae, and Cower Mohainder Narain Rae (the two surviving Sons and representatives of Rajah Sree Narain Rae),-Appellants; Bijai Govind Sing (Son and representative of Bhyajha, deceased),-Respondent
[1839] EngR 1215; 18 ER 269
United Kingdom
circa 1839
Augustin Gadioux St Louis and Pierre Benjamin Dumoulin,-Appellants; Antoine Gadioux St Louis, Frederick Bettey and Dame Marie Gadioux St Louis his Wife; Antoine Gadioux St Louis, the younger, and Joseph Gadioux St Louis, Widower,-Respondents
[1836] EngR 1118; 12 ER 768; (1836) 1 Moore PC 143
Privy Council
United Kingdom
circa 1836
Rajundernarain Rae and Coowor Mohundernarain Rae, the two surviving Sons and Representatives of Rajar Sreenarain Rae, deceased,-Appellants; Bijai Govind Sing, Son and Representative of Bhya Jha, deceased,-Respondent
[1836] UKPC 114; [1836] EngR 1119; (1836) 1 Moore PC 117; 12 ER 757
Privy Council
United Kingdom
circa 1836