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" test, Conradie J referred to the UBAF Bank case 18 where a Co incurred fees for advisory services related to the acquisition of shares in three subsidiaries The purpose of acquiring the subsidiaries was to strip the existing leasing businesses out of them to enable the taxpayer to expand its existing leasing business In this case the judge concluded that there was a direct and immediate link between the fees incurred and the taxpayer's existing leasing business, and applied the &quot   flag  1

19 ITC 1744
Irish Tax Cases
Republic of Ireland

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"The deductibility of value added tax on costs incurred to raise share capital: A critical analysis of the ITC 1744 case" [2011] DEJURE 20 Van der Zwan, P;Stiglingh, M South Africa circa 2011 SAFLII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"The deductibility of value added tax on costs incurred to raise share capital: A critical analysis of the ITC 1744 case" [2011] DEJURE 20 Van der Zwan, P;Stiglingh, M South Africa circa 2011 SAFLII flag

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