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3 Jac Cy95   flag  6

3 Jac CY95
Jacob's Chancery Reports
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Carth 1 Rolle 305; 278 Yelv 155; 2 Salk 563 King's Bench United Kingdom WorldLII flag 2
Carth 1 Rolle 305; 278 Yelv 155; 2 Salk 563 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag
P 10 Jac Rot 113 Cr B R, Flemming versus Yates [1220] EngR 771 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag
2 Jo 209 3 Jac Cr 95, Quarle's case 22 Ass pl 64 [1220] EngR 276 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag
4 Jac Cr 117, Offley's case [1220] EngR 509 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag
4 Jac Cr 124, Mathewson's case Debt, Count, Ejectione firmæ, Oportet quod res certa deducatur in judicium Player's case, 5 Co 34 b 7 Co 1, Bulwer's case [1220] EngR 510 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag

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