Fletcher v Ashburner
[1779] EngR 98; 28 ER 1259; (1779) 1 Bro CC 497
United Kingdom
circa 1779
Dillon v Freine
[1589] EngR 7; 76 ER 270; (1589-1595) 1 Co Rep 120
King's Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1589
Watson v Arundel [1876] IELawRpEq 51
(1876-1877) 10 IREq 299
Republic of Ireland
27 Jun 1876
William Boughton, John Henry Boughton, and Frederick Wintle Boughton,-Appellants; William Boughton, John James, and John James the Younger, The Rev John Prosser and his Children, Henry k Whithorn and Wife, John Boughton, Alicia Joyce Boughton, Jane Boughton, Edward Vaughan Boughton, George Hough and Lucy his Wife, Mary Jane Boughton, Elizabeth Jones Boughton, and Ellen Young Boughton (First Appeal),-Respondents; and William Boughton (the first above-named Respondent),-Appellant; John James, and all the other above-named Respondents and Appellants (Second Appeal),-Respondents
House of Lords
United Kingdom
circa 1848
Gally vers Serjeant Selby
[1792] EngR 895; 92 ER 1103
United Kingdom
circa 1792