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Santos v Santa Teresa   flag  4

44 Phil 811

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Epitacio Delima, Paclano Delima, Fidel Delima, Virgilio Delima, Galileo Delima, JR , Bibiano Bacus, Olimpio Bacus and Purificacion Bacus v Hon Court of Appeals, Galileo Delima (deceased), substituted by his legal heirs, namely: Flaviana Vda De Delima, Lily D Arias, Helen Niadas, Antonio Delima, Dionisio Delima, Irenea Delima, Ester Delima and Fely Delima [1991] PHSC 697 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 24 Sep 1991 AsianLII flag
Concepcion Roque v Hon Intermediate Appellate Court, Ernesto Roque, Filomena Osmundo, Cecilia Roque, Marcela Roque, Jose Roque and Ruben Roque [1988] PHSC 683 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 30 Aug 1988 AsianLII flag
Heirs of Catalino Jardin, namely, Rustica, Ceferina, Victorina, Remedios, Elsie, Cirila, Purificacion, and Virginia, all surnamed Jardin, and Walderico Z Jardin, as Heir of Galo Jardin v Heirs of Sixto Hallasgo, namely, Paz, Corazon, Nerio, and Eliodora, all surnamed Hallasgo [1982] PHSC 468 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 30 Sep 1982 AsianLII flag
SEVERINO CASA Ñ AS, as administratrix of Maria Quintero, deceased v TELESFORA ROSELLO, as administratrix of the estate of Cornelio Belarmino, deceased [1927] PHSC 29 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 10 Mar 1927 AsianLII flag

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