Epitacio Delima, Paclano Delima, Fidel Delima, Virgilio Delima, Galileo Delima, JR , Bibiano Bacus, Olimpio Bacus and Purificacion Bacus v Hon Court of Appeals, Galileo Delima (deceased), substituted by his legal heirs, namely: Flaviana Vda De Delima, Lily D Arias, Helen Niadas, Antonio Delima, Dionisio Delima, Irenea Delima, Ester Delima and Fely Delima
[1991] PHSC 697
Supreme Court of the Philippines
24 Sep 1991
Concepcion Roque v Hon Intermediate Appellate Court, Ernesto Roque, Filomena Osmundo, Cecilia Roque, Marcela Roque, Jose Roque and Ruben Roque
[1988] PHSC 683
Supreme Court of the Philippines
30 Aug 1988
Heirs of Catalino Jardin, namely, Rustica, Ceferina, Victorina, Remedios, Elsie, Cirila, Purificacion, and Virginia, all surnamed Jardin, and Walderico Z Jardin, as Heir of Galo Jardin v Heirs of Sixto Hallasgo, namely, Paz, Corazon, Nerio, and Eliodora, all surnamed Hallasgo
[1982] PHSC 468
Supreme Court of the Philippines
30 Sep 1982
SEVERINO CASA Ñ AS, as administratrix of Maria Quintero, deceased v TELESFORA ROSELLO, as administratrix of the estate of Cornelio Belarmino, deceased
[1927] PHSC 29
Supreme Court of the Philippines
10 Mar 1927